
Friday, April 10, 2009

How was your day dear?

My day has been okay.
The best thing about today,
When Pearl told me there will be no PE.
Hell Yeah, I was super happy.
No PE=No Napfa.
You get the link now?

Everyday I wish I would be as pretty as Hanna Beth.
As skinny as Hanna Beth.
Have a cute boyfriend like Hanna Beth.
Have really pretty clothes like Hanna Beth.
Have really awesome social life and friendship circle like Hanna Beth.
And join the modeling/media business like Hanna Beth.
I know all this will not happen,
But can't I wish?

If I had a genie,
And he give me three wishes,
What would I wish for?
1) To be pretty and skinny.
2) To have a positive mindset.
3) To have three more wishes.
And than I will have three more wishes again.
And I would wish for.
1) To date him.
2) To be healthy and wealthy.
3) To have three more wishes.
Bull shit. A genie will not be so dumb to do that.
Bull shit.
Niu da bian.
Oh, Wtft.

Btw, is not a bad word.
If you haven't realise,
Wtft=What the french toast.
Is copyrighted by me, Don't try and copy.
But credits go to wordbonner.

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hey thanks for commenting ya! you are the best person in the world! <3